Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm going to let you in on a secret...

Okay, so let's begin, if you know anything about me it's really not that much of a secret, but to the world at large most people don't really understand my fascination. With what, with whom am I fascinated you ask?

With number 58, with JP, with the little tiger, Jonathan Papelbon. I one really understands why (especially my husband and my brothers) but I know I'm not the only one who likes him!!! Come on people, his Facebook fan page has more than 2,000 fans! Basically, what this comes down to, is that I've got a thing for any guy who can/will/does dance in public, just ask my husband...

This summer Chris and I took our boys to their first Red Sox game. We got free tickets and did our best to give them away but then we realized it might just be a great time to take the kids to see Jonnie P., I mean the Red Sox...

All was going well (thank God for gigantic red foam fingers and cotton candy)...but it was a pretty bad (read: boring) game so the kids started getting a little antsy (thank you, cotton candy). We decided we would leave as we had no chance of winning (see scoreboard below) and we still had to drive home to CT. As we got up to leave I received the worst news ever...Papelbon was walking to the mound and I was LEAVING! AHHH! Total bummer... Thank God that I had my zoom lens...I stuck around for as long as I could but they finally had to drag me away....kicking and screaming...

Here are some pics of the event...please don't judge the quality of these, there was no retouching going on... :)

Fantastic score as you can see (thankfully we kicked some Angel butt the other night...)

Dude with shiny head, please move out of my ever lovin' way...(sorry shiny headed folks, I love you but not in the way of my little tiger)

Ahh, Papelbaby...

The three most important boys in my life...sorry, Papelbaby

Gorgeous night at Fenway Park in Boston...

And finally, in honor of the Red Sox in the playoffs, (and my childhood fascination with Dirty Dancing...shhh, that's a secret) here's a little video that I could watch all day...

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